So in thinking about it, I noticed that growing in the faith was a leg-in for me (it's Biblical); however, for me it has been more than just growing in the faith. So... why do I believe in God? (in plain language)
The answer to this question varies from people-to-people. But, for the most part, people's beliefs seem to always boil down to a personal experience (or a set of experiences) that in turn causes them to react or respond.
In my case, I grew-up a Christian and was always eagerly after God; that is until I was 16 yrs old. At that point, I was then eagerly chasing after girls and the pleasures of this world. After 11 years (give or take) of indulging in the pleasures of the flesh (premarital sex, drunkenness, partying, smoking, etc.) I started to have some experiences that I just could not comprehend. They were also illogical... you see, my life revolves around logic (computer scientist - if p->q); these things that were happening to me were the sort of stuff that results in getting 5 Star accommodations at Bellevue's Psychiatric Ward.
However, like everything else in life, it is not until I embraced these experiences and opened my mind, heart and soul to them... that, it all started to make sense and it all started to become (somewhat) logical. In all the mathematics I have taken (quite a lot), I concluded that math problems are not logical or comprehensive until you get the formulas and learn how to apply them. The practice, then, helps you to gain knowledge, wisdom and, lastly, understanding.
For this reason I believe, after embracing the "crazy" things that did not make any sense (at first)... then, I started to gain knowledge, gain wisdom and understand that God was knocking on my door. Once I opened the doors nice and wide, then He started to reveal Himself to me.
Hey Joe,
ReplyDeleteThe Lord draws us closer to him because he loves us. To us, certain experiences may not make sense, but read Romans 8:28, All things are truly good for those who love Him.
I'm excited to read about your religious experiences. I have always thought that it was one of the most interesting aspects of you and Victoria. I love talking with Victoria about it too.
ReplyDeleteEven though we are differing in our spirituality, I find the purness of your faith very inspiring and I really admire it.