Yet, to my surprise, there have been instances when I have been moved... yet others, that have the tendency of being on the sensitive side, have not. Recently, I told a couple of friends about the long lasting impression a movie left in my heart. The movie's title is, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".
This post will be Part I of a series (two or three posts - might not come in sequence). Hope you are able to reflect on them!
This movie has very good thought provoking scenes (some scenes just have lines that are very profound). One scene that comes to mind is when they both reach the age of 40 (give or take)... Benjamin asks Daisy to stand still in front of a mirror because he wants to cherish the moment as it is how he wants the couple to be remembered as.
As a father, I've been tempted to say, "Oh, if I can relive my daughter's first steps again!"... "If my daughter would stay in this stage forever". But then I start to think that if I had it my way, I would then miss out on many other parental experiences; for example:
- First day of Kindergarten
- Lost tooth
- First grade (or second, third, etc.) recital
- High-school graduation
Scripture states the following in the Book of James:
James 4:13 - Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit."
James 4:14 - Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are {just} a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
James 4:15 - Instead, {you ought} to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."
It is okay if you can't maintain the mindset as long as you try every day.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is lucky to have a dad that tries.
Aloha Journeyman,
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and for sharing your heart at my blog. It is always a blessing to meet new sisters and brothers who love the Lord. This a beautifully written post and I can feel your heart through your words. Your daughter is blessed to have a Godly father who loves her. I love these two scripture you put here on your post..
James 4:14 - Yet you do not know what
your life will be like tomorrow. You are {just} a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
James 4:15 - Instead, {you ought} to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."
Much to ponder on...
Blessings Lorie
I guess this remind;s me of that old saying yeah you know about the box of chocolate lol " LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATE YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU GOING TO GET" therefore you can be good/ bad and you can be smart /dumb meaning no matter your personality and actions you not promise tomarrow so live the present right and make your city and profit out of it meaning your mind is your temple use it and profit from life!!!
ReplyDeleteFirst, I LOVED The Curious Case of Benjamin Button! I thought it was a fantastic concept and was well executed in every respect.
ReplyDeleteI feel myself wishing that I could freeze time a little bit more with Lila than I did with Bunny. This is probably because as Bunny outgrows one stage Lila is soon to grow into that stay
Sue... Thanks for the encouragement and for visiting! I'll be staying the course even when the road is rough. :-)
ReplyDeleteLorie... THanks for your words also! As far as "much to ponder"... you are not kidding! When I was a teen, I thought I was invincible... now, as maturity has settled in, I can see how little time we have in this earth and how much of it we spend it trying to find something that can only be achieved with a relationship with God (some would differ).
However, I can say to anyone that fatherhood is the best experience any man can have... yet, a person without that father-son / father-daughter relationship will probably say otherwise. That's of course until they themselves become fathers. Hmmm...
icancarry... you have a good point. I wonder if I would also be the same. Yet, I know (after watching you these last two days with Bunny), that you also seem to want to freeze time with Bunny as well. You should have seen your eyes when you turned back to acknowledge that Bunny does have a heart of GOLD!
Blue... Thanks for sharing your analogy with the box of chocolates! The following words need to be reiterated:
...no matter your personality and actions you are not promise tomorrow so live the present right...